Park Volunteer

Becoming a park volunteer is different than becoming a Friends volunteer. Park volunteers need to complete specific training, including:

  • Setting up an account with Colorado Parks and Wildlife,

  • Filling out an application,

  • Watching two short orientation videos, and

  • Reading the training manual and

  • Signing a liability waiver.

Becoming a park volunteer helps the park by demonstrating the communities commitment to the park and obtaining funding for the park’s programs. It allows you to sign up for programs and volunteer opportunities. Friends encourages all our members to become park volunteers. If you are interested, you can learn more or sign up and begin the process on the Park’s website by clicking the link below.

If you choose to participate, please send an email to the park letting them know you have completed the training. After they receive your email, you will be sent a copy of the liability waiver to sign. Then start logging your volunteer hours to help the park, meet others in the community and earn a free park pass.