Our Mission

Friends is a nonprofit group formed to enhance Stagecoach State Park's recreational resources, support educational and interpretive activities, sponsor park improvement projects, and connect people to the outdoors.

The Park is located in Oak Creek, Colorado 17 miles south of Steamboat Springs.

Friends News

Volunteer Opportunities - Our next big event is the annual ice fishing contest to be held in January. Details are coming.

Sun Shade - We are working on purchasing and installing a sun shade for the marina store’s deck. Installation is tentatively scheduled for early fall. Volunteers will be needed for this task. Check back here for details.

Document Review - The new officers have been reviewing the Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation to ensure that all activities are in compliance with these documents. If any changes are recommend, they will inform the full membership and schedule a vote. Check back here for further information as this develops. If you want to read these documents for yourself, they are available on the Members Only page. Contact one of the officers if you are a member and don’t have the password.

Website - Obviously, we have been working on a website. This is an ongoing process. We are currently looking for photographs to illustrate the activities in which the Friends group participate.